
We’re in charge of planning, designing, and implementing projects that include:
  • Upgrades and repairs to older facilities
  • Restoration and enhancements to natural creeks or flood control channels and reservoirs
  • New infrastructure
Our staff also reviews preliminary Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Flood Insurance Studies, the basis for production of FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps. District input to these maps has saved thousands of property owners the cost of unnecessary flood insurance.
We use rainfall and stream flow data to update and calibrate stream flow models and rainfall statistics. To supplement the District’s network of rainfall gauges, the department oversees collection of rainfall data by volunteers throughout the County. The District’s Clean Water Program oversees the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program and represents the County’s unincorporated areas as one of 77 co-permittees regulated by the joint Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (MRP) issued by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. Clean Water staff also oversee permit compliance activities for the District and unincorporated County areas.

Maintenance and Operations

We keep rainwater moving from community streets to the San Francisco Bay by:

  • Inspecting more than 500 miles of conduits, channels, and natural creeks and approximately 3,750 drop inlets
  • Clearing excess vegetation, sediment, and debris and keeping fences intact
  • Inspecting and repairing the District’s 22 pump stations
  • Inspecting and maintaining over 3,700 tide gates
  • Working with District staff to plan flood control infrastructure upgrades

We keep the public safe by:

  • Responding to hazardous spills
  • Inspecting damaged trees and reducing fire hazards
  • Providing sand bag supplies
  • Serving as an emergency response unit during natural disasters

Construction and Development

We review all proposed private and public developments in the County’s unincorporated areas for compliance with accepted engineering standards, environmental requirements, and District ordinances. Development Services staff review design documents and issue permits for new developments in the unincorporated areas.

The Construction Division inspects all flood control related construction in unincorporated areas to ensure that facilities are constructed in accordance with engineered plans. Laboratory testing and contract administration are also managed by this Division.

Management Services

We handle the District’s human resources, accounting, information technology, and other administrative services.