Forthcoming Restoration Projects
Scott Creek
Upstream of Green Valley Road, Fremont
The project’s goals are to reduce existing bank erosion, stabilize the creek bed, and improve the creek’s habitat using native plants. Revegetation will also reduce bank erosion. The creek bed will be realigned slightly to create increase in the flow area for large rainfall events. Pools will be created to provide habitat for aquatic life. Because this creek is the historical border between Alameda County and Santa Clara County, the District will share the cost for improvements and maintenance with the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Construction will begin in summer 2011.
Agua Fria Creek
Between Highway 680 and Briar Place, Fremont
The District has been working with the Army Corp of Engineers on final project approval and permitting for the restoration. The creek’s restoration design provides permanent protection for private properties along the creek and will improve the habitat for the endangered California red-legged frog and other aquatic life. Construction will begin in 2011.
Line G Creek
Between Fremont Boulevard and Paseo Padre Parkway, adjacent to Grimmer Boulevard, Fremont
The District and the city of Fremont are developing and coordinating a plan to transform a straight earthen ditch with little vegetation into a natural creek setting with an adjacent creekside trail for public enjoyment.