FEMA Tidal Study
Scientists believe that there is a global warming trend and that sea levels may rise. Even small increases in sea level may have large impacts on the low-lying areas of Alameda County near the San Francisco Bay.
FEMA is studying the effects of sea level rise on Bay Area shorelines, creeks, and levees. The goal is to determine what changes may be needed to provide 100-year level of flood protection (meaning a flood has only a 1 percent chance of occurring in any given year).
The District is actively participating with FEMA in two studies. The District is doing a peer review of a Bay Area regional tidal study to assess modeling techniques and results achieved. The regional study will be completed in 2011.
The District is also taking the lead in FEMA’s coastal study of Alameda County. Following evaluation and analysis, a final coastal report will be issued in 2013. These studies may have further implications for levees and other flood control infrastructures that are not known at this time.