Consultant Database Sign-Up

We have a large database of consultants who are interested in providing consulting services for engineering, environmental, land surveying, and construction project management for the District. This database is maintained through the Alameda County Public Works Agency. Find out more about how you canreceive alerts about new business opportunities.  

Small, Local and Emerging Business (SLEB) Program

To foster diversity and inclusiveness, Alameda County’s  Small, Local and Emerging Business (SLEB) Program is designed to enhance contracting and procurement opportunities for small, local, and emerging businesses within Alameda County.  The District urges contractors and vendors to participate in the County’s SLEB program, either by registering as a SLEB (as applicable), or subcontracting portions of a project to SLEB-certified companies.   

Current RFPs/RFQs

See the current list of requests for proposals ( RFPs ) for both the District and the Alameda County Public Works Agency. Sample professional service agreements are also available on this site.